Chief of Staff Access VIP

Welcome, V.I.P.

5,000 out of 10,000 4KU V.I.P. CARDS EXPIRED on April 23, 2024 @ 9:13AM PDT.
Now Available:
as of October 21, 2024
QTY. AMOUNT: 555 cards now available!

4KUniverse's 'Chief of Staff Access' = PVOD (Premium Video OnDemand)

Built on the Polygon blockchain with a limited supply of 10,000 NFTs worldwide, the 4KUNIVERSE Chief of Staff Access Card gives you Exclusive Access to what 4KUniverse does in the future. As a Chief of Staff Access card owner, you receive Exclusive Access to our community. Ethereum is accepted.
Perks include:
1. Red Carpet Movie Premieres | Exclusive Access to 4KUniverse Red Carpet movie premieres in Hollywood, California
2. Cartoon Character Meet & Greets
3. Automatically get put on the VIP List into Exclusive 4KUniverse parties
4. Watch Rated R movies on 4KUniverse's 4K streaming service
5. Lock in $10/month for-ev-er (no subscription price increases)
6. Watch 4K HDR movie premieres 6 months before Basic Subscribers
7. Receive Free 4KUniverse Merch (hats & shirts)
8. Be the first to enjoy 4KUniverse's Sports Bar when it opens in your city!
9. Meet 4KUniverse Founder & 4KUniverse Multiverse creator, Matthew Mancinelli
10. Skip all the lines at our future Theme Park!
11. Meet like-minded people
12. You will always be offered the best deals at the 4KU Shop (i.e. 50% OFF)
13. Get in on the ground floor of America's 1st 4K HDR TV Network
14. FREE "Surprise 4KU NFT" drops
1. 4KUniverse Chief of Staff Access Card holders will be treated like a Celebrity.
2. The Total Value we put on card ownership for a Lifetime Holder is $50,000 worth of benefits received.
Real-World Utility Examples
1. You want to celebrate your 30th birthday at 4KUniverse's future theme park and you own a Chief of Staff Access NFT Card... you get in for FREE.
2. You plan a family day with your kids at the 4KUniverse cartoon character Meet & Greet. That weekend of love, light & magic is FREE.
3. You want to watch the game at 4KUniverse's new Sports Bar. Your first drink is on us!
4. 4KUniverse's 4K streaming service price raises by $6/month in 5 years. As a Chief of Staff Access Card holder, you will always pay the original price of $10/month. It's a hedge against inflation / subscription price increases.
5. Health is wealth. The 4KUniverse Chief of Staff Access Card will give you Exclusive Access to healthy eating and healthy habits through partnered brands.
6. You have a date on Friday night and you decide to stay in to cook dinner. You then turn on a 4KUniverse movie. Since 4KUniverse is a family entertainment brand, the only way you and your date can watch a Rated R movie on 4KUniverse is with the Chief of Staff Access card.
7. You have a work trip in LA and a 4KUniverse red carpet movie premiere is happening the same week. You attend as a VIP!
8. The hottest girls you have ever seen will be at 4KUniverse's Annual Cover Model of the Month Hot 12 Party. The only way you can attend is if you own the Chief of Staff Access card.
9. You are shopping online at the 4KU Shop during Christmas. You pay $50 for a $100 item (i.e. 50% OFF)
10. Schedule a Meet & Greet with 4KUniverse Founder & 4KUniverse Multiverse creator, Matthew Mancinelli

Current NFT Airdrops (FREE to Chief of Staff Access Card Holders)
1. 4KUniverse Motion Picture Logo Unicorn

Additional Exclusive 4KUniverse Chief of Staff Access Card Holder Events
- 4KUniverse's Annual Cover Model of the Month Hot 12 Party: 2024
- 4KUniverse Cartoon Character Meet & Greets: 2024
- 4KUniverse Sports Bar: 2025 (1st location opening)
Locations: Los Angeles, Orange County, Calif., Maui, Hawaii, Boston, Cannes, France.
- 4KUniverse Pictures Movie Studio, Backlot & Sound Stages. Tours starting: 2028
- 4KUniverse Theme Park: 2030
- King Matthew blockbuster movies, 5 total, releasing in theaters from 2031 - 2041

Platinum Card Perks [Click to View Holders List]
1. Receive 1% equity or passive rev share in our entire operation, 4KUniverse, Inc. International investors welcomed.
2. Enjoy All-Access Pass & VIP treatment to all things 4KUniverse, 4KUniverse Network & 4KUniverse Multiverse, whether streaming, broadcast, metaverse, or in-person.
3. Card Holders generate 8 revenue streams on a yearly basis from all things 4KUniverse.
4. All 4KU work related expenses comped & Travel Per Diem issued by 4KUniverse, Inc.

Matthew's recommendation: Buy & Hold for Life to enjoy monthly & yearly perks!
BUY CHIEF OF STAFF ACCESS (Only 10,000 Available Worldwide, In Perpetuity) BUY PLATINUM (Only 25 Available Worldwide, In Perpetuity)