4KUniverse's Cover Model of the Month
Q&A with Nikita
1) Hometown:
Chicago, Illinois!
2) Favorite Sport to play:
mmmmm, does hot yoga count? Horseback riding?
3) Favorite Sport to watch:
Baseball! But only if live. And preferably at a Cubs game at Wrigley stadium :)
4) Favorite 4K TV Show on 4KUniverse:
Blue World
5) Favorite Vacation Spot:
Africa. Hands down!
6) What qualities do you look for in your ideal Man?
A man with good values and morals over everything. A true gentleman. And a real man.
7) What is your favorite Theme Park ride:
Hehe, so… I actually had this convo with one of my chefs the other day. She asked me if I like roller coasters. My answer? Well, I used to. But ever since I dived head first into the restaurant industry, I feel that feeling in my tummy way too often, I don’t need to get that thrill from rollercoasters anymore! 😇
8) Can you tell the 4KUniverse fans more about yourself and what you’re currently working on…? (Your own business, brand, or website to plug)
Totally! So I will say this, the last few months have been a very strange transitionary phase of niketo. We opened as a concept in a cloud kitchen situation, but we realized that was not the best Avenue. So we are opening a storefront in Beverly Hills. And…… incorporated into our storefront will be a couple of other things that are super excited to announce which will be involved in that as well :)